Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012


Name: Ryan
Age: 15   
Gender: Male
Race: Elven 
Home Continent: Bermesiah
Hometown: Elven Forest 
Affiliations: Nature, Grand Chase
Original Job: Druid
Favorite Activity: Enjoying Mother Nature (tall trees, fresh air, and clean water)
Pet Peeve: Everything that destroys Nature
Job classes: Druid - Sentinel - Viken - Vanquisher
Weapons: Axe - Jade Hook - Scythe - Storm Blades/Pike - Dan Sword (Magnus Dan)
Alternate form(s): Wolf (Druid) - Nephilim (Sentinel) - Magnus Dan (Vanquisher)

Ryan is a kind and cheerful forest elf who loves helping others. He’ll do anything he can for nature lovers, and will play obnoxious pranks on those that threaten nature. Ever since he witnessed Kaze'aze destroy the Partusay Sea, Ryan has been driven by his rage against Kaze'aze.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Ryan Mission
  • Slay the Troll and collect 8 fragments of Ryan's Lesser Orb at the Elven Forest on Normal difficulty
  • Slay Elizabeth and collect 8 fragments of Ryan's Greater Orb at the Marsh of Oblivion on Normal difficulty
9800 Cash Ryan Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.


Druids have combat abilities derived from nature: they can heal their allies at critical moments and help release their latent powers. When the power he obtains from nature is too weak, he transforms himself and becomes nature. Nature isn't confined to the typical aspects of nature such as trees or the air. Ryan can transform into any living being that is part of nature and deliver attacks characteristic of that being.

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Magic Break (Twin Blade)
A double-edged attack that uses two simple swings. (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Shockwave (Titan's Axe)
A powerful attack that utilizes powerful strikes including a heavy impact that sends enemies soaring through the heavens. (4x Hit + Heavy Knockup)
LVL 2 Purchased Wolf Transformation Transform you into a Orange Wolf.
LVL 2 Purchased Moonlight Wolf Transformation Transform you into a White Wolf.
LVL 2 Purchased Shadow Wolf Transformation Transform you into a Black Wolf.
LVL 3 Basic Ryan's Heart (Resurrection)
A powerful spell that revives fallen allies with 20% of their HP on a 30-second duration. Note that the 30-second duration will cancel when one is revitalized.


The Wolf is a a vicious monster that uses powerful bite and claw attacks. Ryan and all his classes are able to become one with the Wolf. It is bought in three different ways: The Standard Transformation for 40,000 GP for 200, the Moonlight for 5100 Cash for 500, and the Shadow for 5100 Cash for 500. 

It lasts 30 seconds (unless equipped with a Moonlight Ring and/or Lunar Attenuation which both adds 15 seconds), and it gives off an attack boost but decreases Defense and Vitality. It has a party buff called "Wolf's Roar", which increases attack to nearby allies for 3 seconds (infinite on the wolf).

Within the exception of Skill Tree, the Wolf has no skills.

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Skill Tree Rolling Attack A spin like attack that dashes forward while ending up with a claw sweep (5x Hit).
LVL 2 Skill Tree Berserker A furious attack which causes the wolf to claw infront madly while ending with a shockwave (10x hit).


The Sentinel is skilled in infiltration and staying concealed, using a sharp, closely held weapon called a Jade Hook, named for it's moon-like shape. Without being noticed, the sentinel moves on his prey and eliminates any threat to the forest. The sentinel is not an aggressor, but a guardian; a guardian of the forest.
Similar to his first job, as a Sentinel, Ryan can take on an aspect of nature and transform into the Nephilim. When transformed into the Nephilim, Ryan's strength and speed is greatly improved and will make a deadly opponent for any who would dare harm the forest.

It is necessary to be level twenty (20) to be able participate in Second (2nd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (200 GP)

  • Run the Marsh of Oblivion once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay 8 Zombie Stone Orcs in the Forsaken Barrows.

  • Slay the Paradom in Forgotten City and collect 3 Sentinel's Orb.

  • Slay 100 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

Cash Mission (2700 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem. 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Back-spin Slash Performs 2 quick slashes followed by a flip. Deals decent damage, but is valuable for its long invincibility time. (2x Hit + 2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Soul Effect (Soul Impact)
The Sentinel creates a small explosion that deals fairly high damage and sends anyone it hits flying across the screen. (15x Hit + Mass Knockback)
LVL 3 Basic Spinning Phantom The Sentinel slashes forward, spinning at amazing speeds with reckless abandon. Literally obliterates enemies upon impact. (5x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Purchased Nephilim Transforms into the Nephilim, nature's avatar whom contains superior firepower and powerful defenses.


The Nephilim is a demonic bird-like creature that is the avatar of Nature's Wrath. It is bought for 7200 Cash for 500. All of Ryan's Jobs beyond Druid can change into the beast.

It lasts for 45 seconds, while increasing the user's Vitality and adding "Super Armor", which makes it stun resistant to most attacks (also with a surprising massive attack ratio in Dungeons). In addition, it cannot be grabbed because of its large height. It gives off an effect, "Nephilim's Shield", that provides a defense buff to the entire party for 35 seconds (25 for allies; Because these are not the same buffs, it can be stacked with a second Nephilim).

When transforming, it gives off a shockwave like effect that lifts opponents, in order to protect the user itself.
The Nephilim only has one skill.

Strangely, the Nephilim has an odd way of getting around things. For example, he can "phase" out of a shockwave effect, he tends to "collapse" often (headfirst), and his counter is basically his standard fall.

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Nature Punish 2 strong punches followed by an immensively strong fist. (3x Hit + Knockdown)


Vikens are Druids who protect the forests searched for the source of their strength from nature and spent many years researching it.
Realizing that the Druids cannot stamp out the forces of Darkness with just their transformative powers alone, the chief of the Druids, Mo’ru Pi’su, entered into an alliance with Nature, whereby endowing the druids with its powers. However, many Druids failed in their training, and only a special group of Sentinels, who were strong in body and fiercely trained, were able to succeed. Mo’ru Pi’su bestowed upon these Sentinels the title of "Viken," those who bear the life force of Mother Nature upon their souls. Mo’ru Pi’su gave the Viken the scythe he used to return those whose lives had just ended back to the Earth as a way of swearing to the bond that exists between Nature and the Druids.
With its large blade and long handle, the giant scythe's specialties are its long reach and slashing attacks. With his speed, the ability to fight in close quarters, and his long reaching scythe, Vikens can dole out fast chained attacks and call down Nature’s wrath. In addition, Viken can still transform into the Wolf and Nephilim forms.

It is necessary to be level thirty (30) to be able participate in Third (3rd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (10,000 GP)

  • Run the Ruins of the Silver Knights once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay Coral Fiend 4 times in Lake Aurora.

  • Slay King Guang 5 times in King Guang's Fen.

  • Slay 120 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

  • Investigate The Crucible 2 times.

Cash Mission (8600 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Nature Frenzy Summons up 3 thorny spikes up from the ground, catching opponents off guard. (3x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Wild Justice While the Viken roars like a lion, he does a quick slash forward and then dashes backward with powerful speed. (2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Basic Crow Wing Using the power of crows, the Viken gathers its strength and throws his Scythe, leaving a small DoT infront of him. (15x Hit + Knockdown)


A long, long time ago, there was a Druid hero named "Dan", whose destructive magic and sword skills were unmatched in all the land. He protected the Druids from evil, but he sensed the downfall of the Druids was approaching, and sought to find a warrior to pass on his knowledge and wisdom to.
Many Sentinels and Vikens accepted his test in order to receive his legacy, but there were few who survived and returned, and those who did were too weak, both in mind and body, to receive Dan's teachings. Dan declared Ryan his successor, who helped save the continent of Bermesiah during its time of crisis, and was bestowed upon him the Storm Blades, and the ability to transform himself at will.
The Druids' prophetess, Sybil, declared Ryan the Vanquisher, the one who eradicated evil from the continent, and Dan's successor. Ryan becomes the Magnus Dan when he transforms.
A Vanquisher wields the Storm Blades, two small spears that can be brought together to form the larger Storm Pike. Depending on the fight, a Vanquisher can wield a blade in each hand and engage in rapid attacks or use the double-sided Storm Pike to increase his melee range. Whatever the situation the Vanquisher has the flexibility to adapt to any battle. Unlike Ryan's other jobs, there is no limitation placed on his transformation. He is able to freely transform back and forth between Vanquisher and Magnus Dan. If Ryan transforms into Magnus Dan, he has at his disposal a full range of attacks.

It is necessary to be level forty (40) to be able participate in Fourth (4th) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (18,000 GP)

  • Clear Partusay's Sea 6 times in Champion Mode.

  • Slay Kamiki at Kamiki's Castle and collect 6 Vanquisher's Lesser Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay Basilisk at the Temple of Fire and collect 6 Vanquisher's Greater Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay 250 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters. 

  • Clear Sanctum of Destruction 4 times.   

Cash Mission (11,800 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Storm Blades 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Gatling Spiral The Vanquisher starts with a series of several extremely fast stabs, followed by a powerful charged stab. (6x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Flash Impact Performs a quick blow to the opponent's legs (though not stunning them), and then charges while delivering a series of magical explosions. (2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Basic Power Strike The Vanquisher reacts with numerous combos, then throws his blades at the enemy while leaping up to deal a powerful burst. (5x Hit + 10x Hit)

Storm Pike
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Fatal Drive The Vanquisher moves forwards while delivering two powerful slashes, first high, then low, then does a quick slicing dash. (2x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Furious Boomerang The Vanquisher throws his rapidly spinning weapon forward, then it returns, like a boomerang, still spinning as it comes back. Of course, boomerangs mean pulling the enemy towards one. (7x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Xenocide Lancer Tosses three magical bolts forward, then jumps up and throws a flaming pike to the ground. (3x Hit + 10x Hit)

Magnus Dan

Magnus Dan or just Dan is a hero of the Druids, who had powerful magic and swordsman abilities known over the lands. Eventually he grew too old to fight, but also felt that the demise of Druids was drawing nearer, so he required someone to succeed him.

He sent a test to many Sentinels and Vikens. However, when they returned, only a few survived and those that did were too frail to receive his legacy. All hope seemed loss, until Dan took note of Ryan, and immediately picked him as the successor, and entitled him as the Vanquisher of evil. He also gave Ryan the ability to change himself into Dan's form.

Dan is capable of using multiple sword slashes and thrusts and keeps the use of Mach Blow like the Vanquisher. He is also capable of performing 3 different levels of skills as well.

Unlike the Wolf or the Nephilim, the transformation of Dan lasts infinitely long (even through portals) until the user dies, removes the transformation, or the match has ended. It is not required to buy Magnus Dan as it is already equipped. If any Wolf form skill is equipped the Wolf form will replace Magnus Dan. The X.PNG command is used to transform back into Ryan. Similar to Wolf and Nephilim, he gains health when transformed depending on how much current vitality the user has. He also projects a shockwave upon transformation.

He has no buff, although his height makes him ungrabbable.

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Turning Breaker An attack that utilizes a low and high sweep which lifts opponents to the air (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Blinding Cross A powerful attack that throws a mid-ranged Air Blade with similar effects to the Knight's Sword Fire, though Blinding Cross is larger. (6x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Lord of Valhalla A summoning attack that utilizes 2 frontal sword sweeps and then unleashes a powerful dragon upon the enemy, who slams down with its might, crushing the foe. It then roars and vanishes. (10x Hit)

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