Minggu, 15 Januari 2012


Name: Ley von Crimson River
Age: Unknown (~18)
Gender: Female
Race: Demon
Home Continent: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown
Affiliations: Grand Chase
Original Job: Summoner 
Favorite Activity: Being a spectator at fights, participating in fights
Pet Peeve: A world with no fighting
Job classes: Summoner - Harbinger
Weapons: Ultima

Power and influence had always been shared by a few powerful families in the demon world. The more extreme tribe of demons who desire Kounat's complete destruction realized after their defeat that they needed to grow their own power by seizing it from the more moderate demons who did not desire all-out destruction. The extremists, thus, began to quietly cultivate their power. One day, the strength of the extremists suddenly overwhelmed that of the moderates, and the chief of the moderate demons went missing. Ley is the daughter of one of the more powerful moderate families, the Crimson Rivers. Peter von Crimson River, the blood red ruler, began sensing that something was amiss in the demon world and put a stop to suspicious activities on the part of the Burning Canyon family, and to secure their allegiance, sent his daughter Ley to Aernas to find Dio, chief of the Burning Canyon family.
Ley is the haughty and coldly aloof daughter of the powerful Crimson River family, whose faithful servants run ragged trying to please her. Although she dislikes to be directly involved in fighting, she quite enjoys being a spectator, though her enjoyment is not betrayed outwardly by her emotions. There have been times when those around her became dragged into fighting because of her.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Ley Mission
  • Slay King Guang at King Guang's Fen and collect 50 fragments of Ley's Lesser Orb on Hard difficulty.
  • Slay Audrey at Primeval Island and collect 50 fragments of Ley's Greater Orb on Hard difficulty.
9800 Cash Ley Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.


She moves while always floating in mid-air. Like Arme, she lacks the ability to dash and run, but she has other ways of compensating for this. She can chain combos while in the air and can also summon her minions to help her during battle.  

Active Skills
  • Special
  1. Jeeves Etiquette (Lv 3)
  2. Garouille (Lv 3)
  3. Jeeves Power Bomb (Lv 3)
  • Effect
  1. Garouille : Increased Dash Speed (Lv 2)
  2. Garouille : Strength (Lv 2)
  • Extra (Garouille)
  1. Breakthrough (Lv 2)
  2. Bless (Lv 2)
  3. Bless : Fire (Lv 1)
  4. Bless : Ice (Lv 1)
Ley's Abilities
  • Special
  1. Gravity Ball (Lv 1)
  2. Flame Roll (Lv 2)
  3. Secret Passage (Lv 3)
  • Technique
  1. Ether (Lv 1)
  2. Inspire (Lv 2)
  • Effect
  1. Gravity Ball Hit Count (Lv 3)
  2. Flame Roll : Increased Area of Attack (Lv 3)
  3. Secret Passage Hit Count (Lv 3)
Passive Skills
  • Apply Attack (Charge Attack (Lv 1))
  • Apply Jump (Plot (Lv 3))
  • Cooldown (Reduced Counterattack Cooldown Time (Lv 2))
  • AP (Starting AP (Lv 3))
  • Critical Chance (Increased Critical Strike Chance (Lv 3))

While searching high and low all over Bermesiah and Silver Land for Dio, Ley sensed a distortion coming from the direction of the farthest reaches of the world. Feeling that the distortion and Dio were somehow connected, Ley decided to go and investigate, believing that she would find Dio there.
Convinced that venturing into Aernas would help her definitively trace the source of the distortion, Ley unsealed the powers contained within the Ultima and summoned Bastion Mary. As the Harbinger, Ley can summon both Garouille and Bastion Mary.
Harbinger can summon Bastion Mary who, unlike Garouille, can be controlled and the player can time her attacks. The improved AI allows for more successful fights. The all new jump and dash attacks serve to ameliorate the frustrations of running dungeons as a Summoner.

Active Skills
  • Special
  1. Shove (Lv 3)
  2. Bastion (Lv 3)
  3. Grim Hand (Lv 3)
  • Effect
  1. Bastion : Increased Speed (Lv 2)
  2. Bastion : Strength (Lv 2)
  • Extra (Bastion)
  1. Howling (Lv 2)
  2. Spin Dash (Lv 3)
  3. Spin Drop (Lv 3)
Ley's Abilities
  • Special
  1. Uncertain Air (Lv 3)
  2. Tear Drop (Lv 3)
  3. Center of Gravity (Lv 3)
  • Technique
  1. Barrage (Lv 2)
  • Effect
  1. Uncertain Air Hit Count (Lv 1)
  2. Explosion (Lv 1)
  3. Dark Sight (Lv 2)
Passive Skills
  • Apply Attack (Jump Attack (Lv1))
  • Apply Attack
  1. Dash Attack (Lv 1)
  2. Dash Attack : Increased Distance(Lv 1)
  • AP Type 2 (Increased AP Recovery (Lv 3))
  • AP (Starting AP (Lv 5))
  • Critical Chance (Increased Critical Strike Chance (Lv 5))


Name: Zero Zephyrum
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race: Demon 
Home Continent: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown 
Affiliations: Grand Chase
Original Job: Wanderer 
Favorite Activities: Unknown
Pet Peeve: Unknown
Job classes: Wanderer - Seeker
Weapons: Grandark 

Fearful of the strength of the Ancient Demons, the remaining demon races banded together and formed a league to annihilate the Ancient Demons and began the fight with a surprise attack. The intense fighting continued for a long time with no end in sight. In the midst of the war, "Duel Pone Jack Avenger," the master of the magical sword "Eclipse," joined the war, taking it into a whole new direction. The ever reckless "Duel" lost all reason, and as the war continued, his lust for destruction awakened within him, and after destroying Ancient Demons and lesser demons alike, disappeared. The great wizard "Oz Pone Max Reinhardt" barely survived, and on the very spot where he was wounded, he created the "Grandark," a magical sword that would rival "Duel"'s sword "Eclipse." However, Oz was unable to control Grandark's powerful ego, and began searching for someone who could wield it.
After much time had passed, such that the past was virtually forgotten, a mysterious swordsman called the "Wanderer" appeared in "Aernas." He carried with him a strangely formed sword, the likes of which no one had ever seen while destroying every obstacle in his path, and while looking for evidence of an unknown mysterious power, he encounters the Grand Chase in Xenia.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Zero Mission
  • Slay Gardosen at Hell Bridge and collect 40 fragments of Zero's Lesser Orb on Very Hard difficulty.
  • Slay Kaze'aze at Kaze'aze's Castle and collect 40 fragments of Zero's Greater Orb on Very Hard difficulty.
9800 Cash Zero Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.


Zero begins a fight with his sword Grandark on his back. Zero can move quickly and use basic skills with his sword on his back, but his command skills will change based on his sword wielding stance. Like Dio, Zero uses special shortcuts for his skills and specials.

Active Skills
Elemental Force
  • Special
  1. Classical Force (Lv 3)
  2. Ice Force (Lv 3)
  3. Fire Force (Lv 3)
  • Effect
  1. Classical Force : Increased Hits (Lv 1)
  2. Classical Force : Increased Range (Lv 1)
  3. Ice Force : Sustained Duration (Lv 1)
  4. Ice Force : Increased Range (Lv 1)
  5. Fire Force : Sustained Duration (Lv 1)
  6. Fire Force : Increased Range (Lv 1)
  • Technique
  1. Loss (Lv 3)
  2. Loss : HP Absorption (Lv 1)
  3. Loss : AP Absorption (Lv 1)
  • Special
  1. Triple Bash (Lv 3)
  2. Gran X (Lv 2)
  3. Bleeding Gash (Lv 3)
  • Technique
  1. Rude Pressure (Lv 3)
  • Effect
  1. Triple Bash : Attack Strength (Lv 2)
  2. Gran X : Attack Strength (Lv 3)
Passive Skills
  • Apply Sword Stance
  1. Spin Slice (Lv 1)
  2. Thrust (Lv 1)
  3. Jump Slice (Lv 1)
  • Movement Sword Stance (Movement Speed (Lv 1))
  • Defensive Stance (Lv 3)
  • Apply Defensive Stance (Change Direction (Lv 1))

Having made overcoming Duel's incredible strength the sole reason for his existence, Zero ventured until he reached Archimedia and finally encountered Duel at Thunder Hammer. However, Grandark sensed that Duel had become stronger than before and restrained Zero from following him. Clearly seeing just how much Duel's strength overwhelmed his own, Zero began to seek greater power for himself, but began to lose confidence as he continued to compare himself with Duel. As Zero's confidence weakened, Grandark's own influence over Zero's body grew stronger. Grandark was confronted with the danger of Zero's will gradually disappearing and became quite frustrated.
Thus, we have the Seeker: a Zero in pursuit of even greater power that he may take on Duel!
The Seeker is the one who pursues strength surpassing that of Duel's and it is in this state that we now find Zero. As a Seeker, Zero exhibits a far more effective offensive stance by inflicting additional damage when attacking while his newly added command skills give him a greater defensive stance through a stronger base defense, increased HP recovery rate, the ability to dash, and the ability to deflect an enemy's attack.

Active Skills
Elemental Force
  • Special
  1. Gran Force (Lv 3)
  • Effect
  1. Gran Force : Sustained Duration (Lv 1)
  2. Gran Force : Increased Range (Lv 1)
  • Technique
  1. Orchid (Lv 3)
  2. Amid (Lv 1)
  3. Whirlwind (Lv 3)
  4. Increase (Lv 1)
  • Element
  1. Orchid : HP Absorption (Lv 1)
  2. Orchid : AP Absorption (Lv 1)
  • Effect
  1. Orchid Thorns (Lv 3)
  2. Orchid Thorns : Increased Absorption (Lv 2)
  3. Increase : Sustained Duration (Lv 3)
  • Special
  1. Bite Off (Lv 3)
  2. Breakthrough (Lv 3)
  3. Abyss (Lv 3)
Passive Skills
  • Defensive Stance
  1. Defensive Stance (Lv 5)
  2. Defensive Stance : Counterattack (Lv 2)
  3. Defensive Stance : Strike Up (Lv 1)
  4. Defensive Stance : Strike Down (Lv 1)
  • Offensive Stance 
  1. Offensive Stance (Lv 1)
  2. Offensive Stance : Dash (Lv 1)
  3. Offensive Stance : Critical/Double Attack (Lv 1)
  4. Offensive Stance : Trace (Lv 2)


Name: Dio
Age: Unknown (~15)
Gender: Male
Race: Demon
Home Continent: Unknown
Hometown: Unknown
Affiliations: Kounat, Grand Chase 
Original Job: Stygian
Likes: Alfred, Pure Destruction
Dislikes: Sebastian, Pointless Destruction
Job classes: Stygian - Drakar
Weapons: Soul Reaver, Flash Blade, Infernal Spear, Rake Hand, Death Star

In the final days of Kounat's existence, numerous portals appeared around the kingdom, gateways leading to another dimension where belligerent demons lived. A faction of the demons desired to destroy Kounat and waged war against the suffering kingdom. However, an opposing faction of demons denounced the wanton violence and waged war against those demons that would destroy Kounat. Dio was a member of this faction.
When the war ended, the demons returned to their dimension and the portals were sealed. One day, Dio realized there was a weakening of the magic sealing off one of the portals and decided to go and investigate. This decision set him on the road to one day meeting the knights of the Grand Chase.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Dio Mission
  • Slay Victor at Victor's Fortress and collect 40 fragments of Dio's Lesser Orb on Hard difficulty.
  • Slay the Basilisk at the Temple of Fire and collect 40 fragments of Dio's Greater Orb on Very Hard difficulty.
9800 Cash Dio Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.


Dio's starting level is 30 and even though he appears to fight without a weapon, he summons numerous tools that physically manifests his powers during battle, making him lethal in close and mid-range combat.
Unlike the other Grand Chase characters, you can create shortcuts for Dio's basic skills and specials. This allows you to create a variety of combos. It also makes Dio easy to use for new players.

Active Skills
Devil Pose (Left Side)
  • Special
  1. Death Scythe (Lv 3)
  2. Death Star (Lv 3)
  3. Rake Hand (Lv 3)
  4. Necrotic (Lv 3)
  5. Black Space (Lv 1)
  • Technique
  1. Death Star Uppercut (Lv 3)
  2. Dominate (Lv 3)
  3. Shatter Fist (Lv 1)
  • Effect
  1. Dominate : Increased Distance (Lv 1)
Weapon Pose (Right Side)
  • Special
  1. Vengeful Sword (Lv 3)
  2. Haunting Shock (Lv 1)
  3. Onrush (Lv 2)
  • Technique
  1. Phase Edge (Lv 3)
  2. Flash Sword (Lv 3)
  3. Horizontal Blink (Lv 2)
  4. Infernal Spear (Lv 3)
  • Effect
  1. Flash Blade : Increased Attack (Lv 2)
  2. Infernal Spear : Increased Attack (Lv 2)
Passive Skills
  • AP
  1. Increased AP Recovery (Lv 2)
  2. Starting AP (Lv 3)
  • Jump (Increased Dash Speed (Lv 1))
  • Cooldown (Reduced Counterattack Cooldown Time (LV 2))
  • Critical Chance (Increased Critical Strike Chance (Lv 2))

After the conclusion of the Demon Wars, Dio prepared to return to his own world by sealing away his powers when he sensed a distortion near one of the portals. He decided to investigate, ultimately encountering the Grand Chase knights. Determining that their strength would be of great addition to his own, Dio decided to join them on his quest.
As time passed, the distortion around the portals became even stronger, and Dio began to slowly unseal his powers and little by little reclaimed his former strength. The name Drakar symbolizes how much stronger Dio has become since he started out as a Stygian.
Drakar is Dio's 2nd job and an even stronger one at that. Reabsorbing his sealed powers allows Dio to manifest his strength through his weapons and their hidden powers allow him to engage in a "Weapon Pose" while his "Devil Pose" brings out his inherent magical abilities.
Unlike the previous ten characters, Drakar can use all of the skills acquired through Stygian and even when there isn't enough AP for use for Active Skills, players can still revel in Drakar's dynamic game play.

Active Skills
Devil Pose
  • Special
  1. Evil Shock (Lv 5)
  2. Kill Zone (Lv 5)
  • Technique
  1. Rebound (Lv 3)
  2. Vertical Blink (Lv 2)
  3. Life Keep (Lv 5)
  • Effect
  1. Rebound : Adjusted Distance (Lv 2)
  2. Necrotic Hit Count (Lv 1)
  3. Black Space Damage (Lv 2)
  4. Sustained Kill Zone (Lv 5)
Weapon Pose
  • Special
  1. Blocker (Lv 5)
  2. Chaotic Spark (Lv 5)
  • Technique
  1. Charging Death Star 1 (Lv 5)
  2. Charging Death Star 2 (Lv 5)
  3. Fly Away (Lv 5)
  • Effect
  1. Haunting Shock Damage (Lv 1)
  2. Sustained Blocker (Lv 3)
  3. Onrush : Reduced AP (Lv 1)
Passive Skills

  • Combo Application (Combo Attack (Lv 2))
  • Utilizing Combo (Lv 3)
  • Jump Attack (Lv 2)
  • Apply Jump (Lv 3)
  • AP
  1.  Increased AP Recovery (Lv 5)
  2.  Starting AP (Lv 5)
  • Critical Chance (Increased Critical Strike Chance (Lv 5))


Name: Mari Ming Onette
Age: Unknown (~15)
Gender: Female 
Race: Human  
Home Continent: Archimedia
Hometown: Kounat
Affiliations: Grand Chase 
Original Job: Rune Caster
Likes: Speed reading, things that spark her interest
Dislikes: Cacophony, the ordinary
Job classes: Rune Caster - Gunslinger - Polaris - Geas
Weapons: Grimoire - Maverick - Magic Mallet - Soul Taker

Mari is the last remaining survivor of an ancient kingdom once known as "Kounat." Having lost her memory, Mari no longer remembers who she is or where she is from. Mari possesses rune casting skills and magical abilities previously unheard of in this area of the world. She is immensely curious about the unknown and fascinated by subjects new to her. While satiating her curiosity by researching the monsters found inside the Temple of Destruction, Mari found herself face to face with the Grand Chase. Having her curiosity piqued by the Highlander skills of Sieghart, Mari decides to join them.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Mari Mission
  • Slay Audrey at Primeval Island and collect 39 fragments of Mari's Lesser Orb on Hard difficulty.
  • Slay Kamiki at Kamiki's Castle and collect 39 fragments of Mari's Greater Orb on Very Hard difficulty.
9800 Cash Mari Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.

Rune Caster

Mari wields both magic and machinery with great skill. She is also very skilled in defending and evading, as she dislikes direct combat with her foes. Utilizing machines fueled by her specially produced Magic Stone, Mari showcases new battle tactics that have been previously unheard of. While coolly assessing the situation on the battlefield, Mari strategically sets up her machines, driving enemies into a corner and exposing their position. 

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Buster An powerful frontal assault that acts like a shockwave; shooting the enemy extremely far backwards. (1x Hit + Mass Knockback)
LVL 2 Basic Shock Field A short ranged grenade is thrown, which emits powerful lightning and then explodes into abyssal. (5x Hit + 3x Hit + Knockback)
LVL 3 Basic Eraser A dangerous skill that summons a destructive construct, which travels forward firing a chaotic laser which may pick up smaller enemies. (20x Hit + Mass Knockback)


Gunslinger was an ancient title bestowed upon a particularly active legion during the First Demon Wars. The only extant record from that time, the Chronicles of Klayah, reveals that although the title "Gunslinger" had fallen into obscurity, it was indeed used by the most powerful kingdom of the time during the First Demon Wars.
The Rune Casters of Kounat displayed much power and influence during the First Demon Wars and invested a great amount of magical and mechanical resources; however as the war drew on, they realized it was going to be impossible to sustain their efforts for much longer. To solve this problem, the most esteemed Rune Caster in the kingdom,
Jean-Sanque Gulio, invented a powered gun designed to fire magical rounds while conserving the operator's own energy. The elite legion trained to use this weapon was called the "Gunslingers." The weapon proved to be a success. The First Demon Wars ended with the surrender of the Demons.
However, Kounat came to an untimely end with a mysterious explosion. The secrets of the Maverick and the secrets of buliding them were lost forever. It is believed by scholars that the rifles used today by the Dwarves of Archimedia are based on the ancient design of the Maverick.
The Maverick-wielding Gunslingers have a variety of unique magic and machines at their disposal that can induce their enemies to walk right into thermal traps, allowing for effective mid-distance attacks. The Gunslinger's Triple Missiles attack compensates for the fact she has a weak long distance attack by enhancing the Maverick's inherent strengths. The Gunslinger continues to use the Rune Caster's Mana Shield and Dash Jump; however the Gunslinger's version is stronger than that of the Rune Caster's, who has always been weak when it came to close quarter combat, and the summoned W.D.W. has also been enhanced. The Gunslinger's many skills can be confusing at first, but with practice and training she is a force to be reckoned with on the battle field.

It is necessary to be level twenty (20) to be able participate in Second (2nd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (200 GP)

  • Run the Marsh of Oblivion once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay 8 Zombie Stone Orcs in the Forsaken Barrows.

  • Slay the Paradom in Forgotten City and collect 3 Gunslinger's Orb.

  • Slay 100 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

Cash Mission (2700 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem. 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Shock Wave A simple, common attack that shoots a hole in the ground which projects bursts of fire to come up from the earth. (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic High Power Rush An attack that summons a floorpad that shoots a volley of missiles which explode within a specific area. (10x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Basic Chaos Beam Spawns a highly destructive blaster supported by a Red Power Ranger and a Yellow Power Ranger that shoots a ray beam. The Gunslinger then inserts her Maverick and fires a rainbow colored beam, as the Power Rangers do a pose and leave in a smoke. It resembles the Spell Knight's Ray Freeze's final wave. (10x Hit)


Before a mysterious massive explosion obliterated it, Polaris was the highest position of an ancient kingdom. The Polaris was the symbol of a guiding light in the kingdom, and only a member of the elite with exceptional abilities could hope to ascend to this position. The power to create new machines and research magic fell under the jurisdiction of a Polaris. The results of their research during the First Demon Wars contributed to the success of the Gunslinger combat teams.
Just like Mari's existing jobs, Polaris has the ability to summon magical helpers and set up machines, but can do so with enhanced power. But Polaris has special skills that consume great amounts of mana, and as a result, also possesses a variety of skills to help replenish mana. A Polaris can replenish teammates' mana with her machines and by summoning power ups that can restore a large quantity of mana when an enemy is hit. But unlike previous jobs, Polaris summons her trusty helper KORMET instead of W.D.W. which she used to summon. KORMET differs from Helper Bot, and if he is summoned successfully, KORMET will do basic combos, dash attacks, and jump attacks in Polaris' stead.

It is necessary to be level thirty (30) to be able participate in Third (3rd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (10,000 GP)

  • Run the Ruins of the Silver Knights once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay Coral Fiend 4 times in Lake Aurora.

  • Slay King Guang 5 times in King Guang's Fen.

  • Slay 120 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

  • Investigate The Crucible 2 times.

Cash Mission (8600 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem. 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic No Mercy Mari swings the mallet like a golf club, which causes a heavy knockback. All enemies struck by the blow will be implanted with a bomb which explodes prior to crashing upon land. (1x Hit + Mass Knockback + 1x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Call of Ruin Mari calls forth a Runic Circle that emits an aura of darkness and unholy energy. (10x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic Extinction Mari hurls a slow-moving crystalline ball resembling Lunatic Force, except it moves slightly faster explodes within a limited range. (15x Hit + Freeze)


Still in pursuit of Ashtaroth, Mari and the Grand Chase enter the land of Archimedia when Mari suddenly loses consciousness among the Relics of Kounat. While unconscious, the Soul Stone makes contact with her and reveals all the secrets behind the destruction of the Kounat Kingdom. The Soul Stone contains the ultimate essence of the divine and has hitherto remained buried within the ruins. Mari then absorbs the powers of the Soul Stone and is transformed into the Geas. "Geas" once referred to someone who was exceptionally gifted into communicating with the divine in the ancient Kingdom of Kounat, one who was a step closer to the deities than everyone else.
"Geas" refers to someone who is exceptionally gifted in communicating with the divine. Using the Soul Taker as her weapon, the Geas can absorb an enemy's MP and AP while moving with enhanced speed and mobility. Unlike her 3rd job which fought primarily by installing machines and summoning magic, Geas takes advantage of combinations quick reactions and special skills operated by simple commands. Barrier and Canceller are added to her MP skills, allowing her to nullify enemy attacks. Long range attacks are also possible while in Seize Mode. Geas can summon Magic Orbs that prevent enemy MP from being restored while eliminating AP. In addition, using the special technique Drain prohibits AP characters from using their specials and critical skills for a set period of time.

It is necessary to be level forty (40) to be able participate in Fourth (4th) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (18,000 GP)

  • Clear Partusay's Sea 6 times in Champion Mode.

  • Slay Kamiki at Kamiki's Castle and collect 6 Geas's Lesser Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay Basilisk at the Temple of Fire and collect 6 Geas's Greater Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay 250 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters. 

  • Clear Sanctum of Destruction 4 times.

Cash Mission (11,800 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Backlash Mari's special skill that makes an enemy fly vertically forward with the swing of the Soul Taker.
LVL 2 Basic Charged Bolt Mari's special skill that envelops the Soul Taker around her body, forming an electrical circle that gives constant damage and electrocutes enemies who fall within a specific region.
LVL 3 Basic Tempest Mari's special skill that uses strong, magical power to summon pieces of ice which are shot down from the sky, inflicting great damage and freezing enemies who are hit.


Name: Aerknard Sieghart
Age: Approximately 600
Gender: Male 
Race: Human
Home Continent: Bermesiah 
Hometown: Kanavan
Affiliations: Highlanders, Grand Chase
Original Job: Gladiator
Likes: Relaxation; being pampered by his servants
Dislikes: Training, walking, and running

Job classes: Gladiator - Warlord - Duelist - Prime Knight
Weapons: Gladius - Sleaghgrim - Rapiers - Soluna 

Sieghart was a master Gladiator of Kanavan long, long ago. His name was legendary and his feats in battle have been recounted in history books. At one time, he alone staved off an assault of 100 goblins, a story told to children of even the smallest villages. He rejected all titles and awards bestowed upon him by nobility and left the knighthood to seek his own goals. While on his journey, he came upon the ruins of an ancient city and disappeared. After a year had passed, he was given up for dead and the entire kingdom mourned the passing of the legendary hero.
Hundreds of years have now passed, and rumors of a new knight appearing in the Bermesiah Empire were spreading across the continents. The man claimed to be the long lost hero, Sieghart, and presented himself at the capital of Kanavan.
While traveling through the ancient relics of the long-gone empire, he was attacked by a great demon and put into a near death state. Seeing his state, the Highlander gods revived him and trained him with their warriors making him an immortal. He has now left to join the Grand Chase.
As the Ascendant God and his evil followers assault the Bermesiah Empire, his resolve is stronger than ever.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Sieghart Mission
  • Slay the Orc Warrior Boss at the Outer Wall of Serdin and collect 11 fragments of Sieghart's Lesser Orb on Normal difficulty
  • Slay Paradom at the Forgotten City and collect 12 fragments of Sieghart's Greater Orb on Normal difficulty
9800 Cash Sieghart Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.

Raging Gladiator
The Gladiator is not only an excellent swordsman, but also an excellent fighter. He uses every part of his body to attack and can smash through nearly any barrier or enemy with his body. From within his body he generates Rage which increases as he is attacked or as he attacks. When he is full of rage, his attacks become stronger and he is able to completely destroy his enemies. Note that the rage bar does not need to be completely full to use, but will not last as long.

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Iron Crusher Sieghart swings his blade in front of him, then brings it down for a heavy blow (3x Hit).
LVL 2 Basic Flame Sword Sieghart drags his blade on the ground sending a huge purple energy wave across the screen, sending enemies flying (9x Hit).
LVL 3 Basic Grinding Punisher Sieghart uppercuts with a giant purple slash twice (11x Hit). It is possible to control the distance using the Arrow R.PNG and Arrow L.PNG keys.

Rage Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Rage Rage Iron Crusher After the initial first slash, another blow is given that knocks the enemy a short distance into the air, and the final blow is done with both hands (4x Hit).
LVL 2 Rage Rage Flame Sword He sends a huge purple energy wave which is followed by a small explosion (12x Hit).
LVL 3 Rage Rage Grinding Punisher Uses a powerful double uppercut. The second uppercut is larger than the previous (11x Hit).

Raging Warlord
With his matched Pike and Short Sword, called Sleaghgrim, the Warlord is a highly specialized job that combines the long reach of the pike and the speed of the gladius. The Warlord excels in smashing through his opponents’ defenses with the long swipes of his pike, granting him access to their inner defenses with his quick sword. The Warlord often uses his pike to vault over enemies while charging, quickly changing his position on the battlefield, giving him the opportunity to strike from above and behind. His ability to quickly change his positioning gives him many opportunities to strike at undefended backs and sides that his opponents may not expect. The Warlord can capture many enemies single handedly by suddenly dropping down from above or forcing them into a corner with his long reaching pike.
The Warlord's attacks can come from his Short Sword or his Pike, giving him a varied array of ranges from which he can assault his opponents. He can quickly close gaps and has an edge in close quarters combat that no other job can equal. Coupled with his "Rage Mode," no other close quarters combat class can compare.

It is necessary to be level twenty (20) to be able participate in Second (2nd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (200 GP)

  • Run the Marsh of Oblivion once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay 8 Zombie Stone Orcs in the Forsaken Barrows.

  • Slay the Paradom in Forgotten City and collect 3 Warlord's Orb.

  • Slay 100 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

Cash Mission (2700 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Savage Attack Sieghart stabs forward with his Spear once, then sweeps the enemy into the air, slicing down with his Sword, creating a small wave of flame. (4x Hit)
LVL 2 Basic Punisher Combo Sieghart swings his Spear four times, slowly knocking the enemy back, then slams his Sword into the ground, making a small pillar of darkness. (9x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Fire Blaster (Shadow Flame Lancer)
Sieghart swings his blade twice in front of him, then throws his Spear like Spearman's Fire Lance, only a shorter distance. This move is quite similar to the Spell Knight's Ray Freeze. (10x Hit)

Rage Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Rage Raging Savage Attack Sieghart stabs forward with his Sword and Spear, then sweeps the enemy into the air, slashing them 3 times with his Sword, creating small waves of flame with each air hit. (8x Hit)
LVL 2 Rage Raging Punisher Combo Sieghart stabs forward with his Spear & Sword numerous times, then slams his Sword into the ground, creating a very tall pillar of darkness. (9x Hit)
LVL 3 Rage Raging Fire Blaster (Raging Shadow Flame Lancer)
Sieghart spins his Spear forward and throws it. The Spear has an infinite range, as it flies to the end of the map just like the Spearman's Fire Lance. However, it travels at a much higher velocity. (7x Hit)

Raging Duelist
Sieghart was once nicknamed the Duelist by his peers for his unparalleled valor and amazing skill with the sword. He was responsible for saving Bermesiah and the kingdom from evil, but an even greater adversary began to encroach the land. Determined to rid Bermesiah of this evil once and for all, Sieghart began to ready himself for another adventure, discarding the comforts afforded to him by his noble status and upbringing, so that he may take on monsters in his wake once again.
Dash attacks can be combined with combo attacks and can turn and still attack while doing a dash attack. The Duelist's agility allows him to rise up in great bounds to attack anyone above him or attacking him from above. He can also make himself more aerodynamic while descending to quickly return to the ground so he can startle his enemies or get out of a sticky situation.
The Duelist has the ability to change to a "Power Stance" during a basic combo, jump or dash attack. Using rage with the power stance makes your Heavy Smash and Adrenaline Attack inflict more damage.

It is necessary to be level thirty (30) to be able participate in Third (3rd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (10,000 GP)

  • Run the Ruins of the Silver Knights once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay Coral Fiend 4 times in Lake Aurora.

  • Slay King Guang 5 times in King Guang's Fen.

  • Slay 120 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

  • Investigate The Crucible 2 times.

Cash Mission (8600 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Rule Break A special attack using a series of short jabs. (5x Hit + Knockdown)
Second command uses 5 quick slices. (5x Hit + Knockdown)
Third command uses 5 slices with an uppercut in the end. (5x Hit + Knockup)(Note: If used immidiately after another, the animations will change)
LVL 2 Basic Rising Weapon A powerful ability that contains a powerful uppercut. Similar to the Gladiator's Grinding Punisher, but much faster (5x Hit). It is possible to cancel the skill early by hitting the Arrow U.PNG command during the running animation.
LVL 3 Basic Dread Punisher A deadly attack utilizes a circle filled with rapid slices, and ending with a powerful explosion. (17x Hit)

Rage Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Rage Raging Rule Break A more deadly attack that uses 5 quick jabs with enhanced damage. (5x Hit)
The second command uses the same 5 hits with the uppercut at the end. (5x Hit)
LVL 2 Rage Raging Rising Weapon A powerful rush that utilizes a deadly uppercut followed by a downward slam. (11x Hit)
LVL 3 Rage Raging Dread Punisher A chaotic attack that throws a powerful wall of dark energy followed by a destructive slam. It has massive reach, and can even hit above or behind! (Long Reach + 12x Hit)

Prime Knight
Prime Knight
Raging Prime Knight
The Prime Knight was chosen by the gods to establish balance in the world after it was thrown off by the forces of evil.
The powers of evil continued to grow, and the gods soon realized that the mortal world was in peril. The gods summoned an elite group of knights from which they selected the very best warriors to become Prime Knights. Sieghart the Highlander had been training with the other Highlander Warriors when he caught the eyes of the gods, and having passed all of the trials presented to him, returned as the Prime Knight to save the world.
The Prime Knights wield a sword called the "Soluna," which is two swords in one, with one part representing the Sun and the authority of the gods and the other part representing the Moon and gods' noble nature. When the Prime Knight holds Soluna, he channels genuine power that can rival that of the gods.
However, a Prime Knight is not to use power recklessly, thus Sieghart had been relying on his own inherent talents, doing the best that he could up to this point. Yet, with his own natural powers alone, Sieghart is not strong enough to take on his new enemies. Now, Sieghart has decided to finally take up the Soluna and display his full power as the Prime Knight.
With two swords in one, the Prime Knight has a long reach without being hindered by the weight of such a large weapon, and as a result can dominate his enemies with his quick moves and attacks. Prime Knight can grab and link combos by timing special commands and keys.
The Prime Knight's Rage Mode is more powerful than any of Sieghart's past jobs; combining his attacks and skills with Rage will up the number of hits and change the motions on his grabs and taunts, maximizing their power.
When his rage is unleashed, the Prime Knight is a force to be reckoned with, able to charge through enemy lines and leave nothing but destruction in his wake.

It is necessary to be level forty (40) to be able participate in Fourth (4th) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (18,000 GP)

  • Clear Partusay's Sea 6 times in Champion Mode.

  • Slay Kamiki at Kamiki's Castle and collect 6 Prime Knight's Lesser Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay Basilisk at the Temple of Fire and collect 6 Prime Knight's Greater Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay 250 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters. 

  • Clear Sanctum of Destruction 4 times.

Cash Mission (11,800 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect JF
LVL 1 Basic Highlander Assault A powerful skill that uses Sol first to rapidly jab and slice before bringing Sol and Luna together in a final, powerful blow. (6x Hit) Extra hit which throws the enemy into the air. (1x Hit)
LVL 2 Basic Soul Edge Sieghart jumps up and slashes down with his powerful Soluna, imbued with the rage within him, pinning his enemy to the ground. (6x Hit) Sieghart uses a quick uppercut on the enemy while they are in the air. (1x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Unlimited Blade/Slash Sieghart moves at an incredible speed and attacks his enemies from every angle. First he uses a suction-like orb with multiple slashes, then jumps forward cutting through, then backward, and ends with a powerful slam. (10x Hit) Sieghart creates a powerful explosion around him while the enemy is in the air. Similar to the final hit of Fighter's White Flower Technique. (1x Hit)

Rage Mode
Level/Type Name Effect JF
LVL 1 Rage Dark Highlander Assault Sieghart splits his swords into two, executing several slashes ending with an upper slash. Deals more damage than the normal Highlander Sword. (5x Hit) Skill ends with a powerful seemingly Soul Break.(3x Hit)
LVL 2 Rage Dark Soul Edge Sieghart jumps and spins in the air, hitting enemies multiple times then finishes with a downward slash. Its almost identical to the Knight's Storm Blade. (8x Hit) Sieghart uppercuts the enemy while they are in the air. (1x Hit)
LVL 3 Rage Dark Unlimited Blade/Slash Sieghart summons several swords in the area in front of him then dashes through the area 10 times with lightning speed dealing powerful slashes while grabbing a sword each time. Finally while directly above the enemy he delivers a powerful downward blow. (10x Hit) Sieghart re-summons the swords above the enemy which spin around before pointing towards them and crashing down dealing numerous hits. (5x Hit)

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012


Name: Jin
Age: 17
Gender:  Male
Race: Human
Home Continent: Silver Land
Hometown: Unknown 
Affiliations: Silver Knights, Grand Chase
Original Job: Fighter
Likes: Martial arts, Amy
Dislikes: Beans, pimento, the Ascendant God
Job classes: Fighter - Shisa - Asura - Rama
Weapons: Knuckles - Tonfa - Chamma - Vajra

Long ago on the Xenia Continent, in a tiny village park where the children of Silver Land would play, a red-headed boy would lead the other children while playing as their general. He soon caught the eye of the Silver Knights, and was admitted as a trainee. Strangely, Silver Land broke away from Xenia. As the Grand Chase pursued Kaze’aze and further into the homeland of the Silver Knights, they sought the courage of the Silver Knights with Jin.


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Jin Mission
  • Slay the Black Fairy Queen at the Ruins of the Silver Knights and collect 14 fragments of Jin's Lesser Orb on Hard difficulty.
  • Slay King Guang at King Guang's Fen and collect 16 fragments of Jin's Greater Orb on Hard difficulty.
9800 Cash Jin Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.


Jin’s basic attacks are grounded in fundamental punching and kicking. He combines speed and destructive powers to smash through large groups of enemies. His superior combos with their long reach can sufficiently cover a large area and make quick counter attacks. Through careful meditation, Jin harnesses his Chi to imbue his fists with destructive force.
The Burning Skill bar fills up for Jin allows him to use special skills. After filling the burning gauge up, initiate an attack and inflict even greater damage.

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Dragon Upper Cut Jin slams the ground then knocks the opponent into an uppercut (3x Hit).
LVL 2 Basic White Flower Technique Jin unleashes several powerful punches followed by an explosion with a wide AoE (7x Hit + Knockup).
LVL 3 Basic Fist of 10,000 Hells Jin dashes forward with a punch and an explosion, followed by an attack from behind (8x Hit + Knockup).

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning Dragon Uppercut Jin slams the ground followed by a punch and then knocks the opponent into an uppercuts (4x Hit).
LVL 2 Burning Burning White Flower Palm Jin unleashes several powerful punches and a last powerful punch that knocks back the enemy (5x Hit).
LVL 3 Burning Burning Fist of 10,000 Hells Jin casts an AoE orb, then shoots the explosion forward to hit the enemy (8x Hit).

Burning Shisa
The Shisa, uses a tonfa to augment the already devastating close quarters combat techniques of the Fighter. The Shisa excels at long combos and quick attacks to bring down his enemies.
The Shisa's strength derives from his ability to move about quickly and dodge many attacks. With his high level of mobility the Shisa can quickly maneuver around an enemy and lock him down. Any enemy caught in the Shisa’s whirlwind movements will quickly succumb to panic and lose sight of the Shisa. All of this gives the Shisa ample time to strike and quickly retreat to safety. The tonfa are best suited to quick, close quarters combat. Though small, they add to the already devastating power of Jin’s fists.

It is necessary to be level twenty (20) to be able participate in Second (2nd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (200 GP)

  • Run the Marsh of Oblivion once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay 8 Zombie Stone Orcs in the Forsaken Barrows.

  • Slay the Paradom in Forgotten City and collect 3 Shisa's Orb.

  • Slay 100 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

Cash Mission (2700 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem. 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic True Strike Dragon Tail The Shisa performs a four hit kick attack in a row. (4x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Power Rising The Shisa attacks sliding with two hits followed by a tornado launcher. (4x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic The Glow! The Shisa unleashes his fury while delivering numerous multi-hit explosions followed by a slide and a small burst of chi. (5x Hit + Knockup + 2x Hit + Knockback)

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning True Strike Dragon Tail Adds a fifth hit to the combo, but strangely sacrifices speed and movemental processes. Interestingly, the damage is no bigger. (5x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Burning Burning Power Rising The improved Power Rising uses numerous multi-hit combos before casting the tornado. (5x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Burning Burning The Glow! While increasing the damage of this skill, the last hit changes to a charging dash followed by an aura explosion. (6x Hit + 2x Hit + Knockback)

Burning Asura
The ancient Asura were deities invoked by warriors while they meditated to soothe the violence within. These same gods were also called upon to push the ancient warriors' violent attacks to new levels of power. Though neither divine nor immortal, he who was called the "Asura" was an accomplished fighter, a lion protecting the gods. Having willingly chosen the trial of defending the cruel, yet righteous gods while preserving peace and virtue in all the land neither gods nor humans could find fault with him.
The last Asura sensed the gathering malignant forces and summoned the most distinguished warriors to bestow upon them his divine teachings to aid them in the coming maelstrom. His efforts were in vain, however, for the warriors had neither the strength of body nor the strength of mind to absorb his teachings. Those who did not die went mad.
Having been defeated by the Ascendant God, Asura prepared to meet his end. He announced his final holy edict and commanded that once a great warrior was found he should inherit the title of "Asura." Jin, having heeded the late Asura's call, took on the rigorous test of improving his mind and his fighting skills. Upon receiving the Asura's weapon, the Chamma, and the divine teachings, Jin became the Asura: the Divine Warrior.
With its light weight and long reach the Chamma is a highly efficient weapon that allows for speedy combos and thrusts, allowing one to attack enemies from a safe distance. Currently, Jin compensates for his close range fighting, a rather weak point, with his quick moves and dodges. However, Asura not only possesses speed and long range fighting abilities, he also has a variety of attacks and evasive moves all stemming from his combo attacks.
The combination of the Burning Skill and the Chamma gives Asura a special quality that allows for enhanced destructive power combined with restraint. The Chamma can be unequipped and foes small and large can be fought with fists. However, fighting with one’s bare hands is less powerful than fighting with the Chamma, therefore fighting an enemy with high defense or high attack with the Chamma is much more effective.

It is necessary to be level thirty (30) to be able participate in Third (3rd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (10,000 GP)

  • Run the Ruins of the Silver Knights once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay Coral Fiend 4 times in Lake Aurora.

  • Slay King Guang 5 times in King Guang's Fen.

  • Slay 120 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

  • Investigate The Crucible 2 times.

Cash Mission (8600 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem. 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Asura Strike The Asura swings the Chamma twice to gain power for an upward strike that sends enemies into the air. (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Asura Slicer The Asura flips twice, striking his Chamma down with each rotation, ending in a final heavy strike. Its almost identical to the Druid's Titan Axe Level 3 and Knight's Mega Slash Level 3, except Asura Slicer has lesser effects. (3x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic Asura Yang The Asura spins his Chamma in a windmill flurry that strikes multiple times before he plants his Chamma, flies into the air, and comes charging back down to earth with destructive force. (5x Hit + 1x Hit + Knockup + 4x Hit + Knockdown)

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning Asura Strike Simply adds two more strikes in the middle. (4x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Burning Burning Asura Slicer Performs a multi-hit swing before slamming down.
LVL 3 Burning Burning Asura Yang The Asura rises diagonally instead of vertically. There are no damage increases, yet there are damage alterations. (5x Hit + 2x Hit + Knockup + 3x Hit + Knockdown)

Fighter Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Powers of Rising Sun The Asura version of Dragon Uppercut. He will do a small tornado attack before fisting upwards. (5x Hit + Knockup)

Burning Rama
There once existed in Silver Land an elite group of warriors who managed to transcend the limitations of most warriors through long and hard training. Warriors able to achieve this heightened state of consciousness were called "Rama". Warriors like the traitor, Victor. Together with the Grand Chase, Jin defeated Victor, who had once been Jin's master, at his castle.
Victor had long ago betrayed the Silver Knights to become the Supreme Leader of the Black Knights. Once Victor was weakened he retreated within his castle and as they pursued him, the Grand Chase could feel a strange energy emanating from within the castle. Finding the source of this energy, the Grand Chase discovered that it was coming from a set of powerful weapons called Vajra, weapons used by the Rama.
It was said that Victor had been training to become a Rama, but having been seduced by the evil he could inflict as a Rama, he failed to achieve enlightenment and in his failure hid the Vajra away. Realizing his own weakness against Victor, Jin took up the Vajra, and summoning all the strength in his heart, fought valiantly and with renewed vigor against Victor, achieved enlightenment and saved his friends.
Like the Fighter, the Vajra wielding Rama is also adept at close quarter combat. Luckily, this shortcoming is more than compensated by the Rama's more intense Burning mode and evasive moves as well as his strengthened Chi. Charging his Chi while performing one of Rama's specials will produce even greater results. Rama can also change his stance, a skill unique to this job, allowing for continuous combos and a wide display of excellent offensive and defensive techniques.

It is necessary to be level forty (40) to be able participate in Fourth (4th) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (18,000 GP)

  • Clear Partusay's Sea 6 times in Champion Mode.

  • Slay Kamiki at Kamiki's Castle and collect 6 Rama's Lesser Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay Basilisk at the Temple of Fire and collect 6 Rama's Greater Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay 250 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters. 

  • Clear Sanctum of Destruction 4 times.

Cash Mission (11,800 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem. 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Striking Snake Onslaught Jin quickly charges at the enemy with a powerful roundhouse kick and a final foot slam, smashing the enemy's face to the ground. (2x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Destroyer of Heaven Jin charges at enemies and cuts the enemy. Enemies are stunned by the movement while being struck by a delayed Chi explosion. (1x Hit + 8x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic White Monkey Washing Face (White Monkey Technique)
Jin pulls in enemies with a massive orb of Chi energy before it violently exploding outwards. (8x Hit + Suction + 7x Hit + Knockup)

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Burning Burning Striking Snake Onslaught Adds a second roundhouse kick. (3x Hit)
LVL 2 Burning Burning Destroyer of Heaven An enhanced Destroyer of Heaven. It comes in 4 phases, utilizing a Just Frame command.
First hit will rush forward with no-delay Chi Explosions. (4x Hit + Knockup)
Second hit will rush backward. (4x Hit + Knockup)
Third hit will utilize 3 simple fist attacks similar to the Fighter's Burning White Flower Technique. (3x Hit)
Fourth and last hit will create a powerful explosion. (2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Burning Burning White Monkey Washing Face (Burning White Monkey Technique)
Increases the suction ability while creating a more deadly explosion. (18x Hit + Suction Ability + 6x Hit + Knockup) (Note: Although the suction range seems smaller, it is actually just graphics. The vacuum ability is actually powerful than the previous.)

Rabu, 11 Januari 2012


Name: Amy Aruha
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: Human, Deity
Home Continent: Xenia
Hometown: Unknown 
Affiliations: Silver Knights, Grand Chase
Original Job: Dancer 
Favorite Activity: Dancing
Pet Peeves: Traditional dance, being lead on
Job classes: Dancer - Muse - Siren - Starlet 
Weapons: Chakrani - Violin - Kleiophone - Chu-Chu Bag

Prior to joining the Grand Chase, Amy was the dancer and oracle of Silver Land on the Xenia Continent. She left the deities she once served after the great war erupted between the gods. Since the gods were being controlled by a darker power, she joined forces with the opposition, the Silver Knights. With her lively character and charm and exceptional dancing, Amy shot to stardom virtually overnight, raising the morale of the Knights while helping them forget the fatigue of the battlefield, a source of repose for all. However, the Silver Knights were destroyed by the dark forces and those remaining were scattered, fighting a dangerous uphill battle in a bold effort to win the gods back from the darkness. When the Grand Chase freed Samsara from evil's grasps, Amy made the decision to fight evil with the Grand Chase. 


Cost Mission Item Mission Objectives
3000 GP Worn-Out Amy Mission
  • Slay Krakos at Lake Aurora and collect 35 fragments of Amy's Lesser Orb on Hard difficulty
  • Slay King Fang at King Fang's Lair and collect 35 fragments of Amy's Greater Orb on Hard difficulty
9800 Cash Amy Mission (Cash)
  • Collect 1 Gem.

Dancing Dancer
Fighting Dancer
Amy practices two different styles of martial arts: fight and dance. One is a pure fighting form while the other aims to raise the spirits of comrades. Both fighting styles rely on fast movements and her whirling chakrani. Her dance mode is based on boosting the morale of her comrades. With her dances she calls down magical powers to increase the strength and health of her compatriots. Despite her dancing and sweet demeanor, she'll crush anyone who gets in the way of her goal.

Dancing Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Shy Shy Punch Amy unleashes a flurry of punches in front of her. (11x Hit) (can be moved in direction)
LVL 2 Basic Dance Fever Increases the attack power of nearby teammates for 20 seconds, including its user.
LVL 3 Basic Loving You Increases life restoration of nearby teammates for 10 seconds, including its user.

Fighting Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Spinning Counter Three kicks in the air before striking a fourth time with her chakrani (3x Hit).
LVL 2 Basic Ditzy Rush A flurrish run with a trip in the end. (5x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Grand Finale (Amy Kick) Amy unleashes a series of kicks, ending with a final downward kick (11x Hit)

Performance Muse
Fighting Muse
Muses wield specially built violins for use as instruments and weapons. The sound waves that emanate from a Muse's violin are so powerful that a well trained Muse can use them as an offensive force! When used as a weapon in close quarters, the sturdy Muse's Violin is very effective at doling out pain despite its fragile appearance. By playing the "Melody of War", the opponents' ability to concentrate becomes weaker while the morale of allies gets boosted. When weakened by a Muse's melody, enemies will fall like leaves caught in a gale. As a melee fighter, the Muse utilizes the strength and lightness of her violin to her advantage. She is able to quickly close gaps and swing the versatile instrument with destructive force. Muses have an inherent ability to dodge at high speeds allowing them to avoid all their enemies' attacks while in mid-air. It is the mysterious power of the Muse's Violin that gives her such skills.

It is necessary to be level twenty (20) to be able participate in Second (2nd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (200 GP)

  • Run the Marsh of Oblivion once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay 8 Zombie Stone Orcs in the Forsaken Barrows.

  • Slay the Paradom in Forgotten City and collect 3 Muse's Orb.

  • Slay 100 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

Cash Mission (2700 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Pop Rocks The Muse shoots out a pink, musical sphere that travels a short distance forward before creating a small shockwave that does light damage and knocks the opponents into the air. (1x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Rhapsody Amy plays a short song that greatly increases the Mana Regeneration Rate for 5 seconds.
LVL 3 Basic Curtain Call Amy summons a large amount of orchestrated musical instruments, including drums, xylophones, flutes, harps, and even a piano. Can be aimed with Arrow L.PNG or Arrow R.PNG. (6x Hit + Knockdown)

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Flying Spin A 360% rapid spin that lifts enemies upward, occasionally catching them off guard. (4x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Sweeping Crush Amy performs multi-hit attack smashing the violin like a crushing guitar. (4x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 3 Basic Amy Kick Her signature combat assault attack. She leaps into the air and crashes down onto the opponent with a mighty kick, which of course, produces a large DoT aura. (3x Hit + Knockdown)

Performance Siren
Fighting Siren
Amy, the divine dancer of Silver Land and everyone's favorite idol; her dancing not only conveyed the will of the gods but also raised the spirits of tired warriors. As she wandered, searching for the fallen gods of Xenia to deliver to them the will of the rising people, she came across a music spirit and discovered the divine Kleiophone.
The Kleiophone was a tool originally used by high ranking oracles called Sirens to convey to the gods the voices and intent of mortals but is now no longer in use. Amy can become a Siren and speak to the hearts of the gods, hastening the search for the gods while at the same time boosting the morale of warriors on the battlefield with her dance and song, using the Kleiophone as a microphone to the world. By singing a song from the heart to the gods, Amy will light up Xenia before it is completely plunged into darkness with her pink-colored hope and lively song and dance.
With her fast movements generated by her double jumps, dashes, inherently powerful skills and the ability to switch from performer and fighter stances, the Siren is a highly adaptable combatant. Amy can use her medium distance, lock down combos regardless of fight mode in the air and on the ground to quickly strike and then retreat.
With her Kleiophone she crushes enemies and her Idol Performances assist Knights in battle by restoring their strength. In Fighting mode, Amy snaps her Kleiophone in two and with quick attacks executes multiple hit combos inflicting great damage upon the entire battlefield.

It is necessary to be level thirty (30) to be able participate in Third (3rd) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (10,000 GP)

  • Run the Ruins of the Silver Knights once. Even if you don't successfully pass the dungeon, you'll still complete the mission.

  • Slay Coral Fiend 4 times in Lake Aurora.

  • Slay King Guang 5 times in King Guang's Fen.

  • Slay 120 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters.

  • Investigate The Crucible 2 times.

Cash Mission (8600 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Performance Mode 
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Pretty Virus Shoots out 3 fast moving short ranged hearts that inflict an unusual "poison" status which decreases the HP Regen for 6 seconds. (3x Hit)
LVL 2 Basic Scream The Siren screams, sending out a shockwave of vocal cords and stuns the enemies close by while granting a 5 second confusion. (6x Hit)
LVL 3 Basic Center Stage The Siren summons a stage and fans, then makes a short dance. At the end, fireworks in forms of pillars shoot out that knock the enemy away, while her comrades receive a 10 second increased health recovery and buff. (3x Hit)

Fighting Mode
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Fly High The Siren kicks the enemy in the air and back down again, followed with a swing of the microphone stand. (1x Hit + Knockup + 2x Hit + Knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Rockstar The Siren fires a short ranged, deadly beam that pushes the enemy away. (3x Hit + Knockback)
LVL 3 Basic Oracle The Siren leaps into the air while shooting deadly beams from her eyes, creating an explosion. Despite that eye beams usually have long range, this attack is short. (6x Hit + Knockdown)

Drama Starlet
Action Starlet
The most trusted oracle of Xenia Continent has four classes: Dancer, Muse, Siren and the highest of Oracles, Starlet. During the war of the gods, the Starlet of the time, Lilith, was kidnapped by the Ascendant God, and the position has been vacant ever since. Sister Maggie, who in her youth has filled the position of the starlet herself, began training and encouraging young sisters in the order to fill the position until she met Amy, who was currently on her great journey. Sister Maggie recognized her potential as soon as she laid eyes on Amy, and proposed to install her as the next Starlet, but Amy agreed only if Maggie would promise to turn her into a "super star." Handing Amy a Chu-Chu Bag, a weapon containing many different things with the power to destroy evil and rescue the gods, she entreated Amy to become a righteous Starlet.
Now a Starlet, a true super star, Amy embarks on a new journey through Xenia, doling out hope and encouragement from her Chu-Chu Bag, brightening the continent and making the gods smile again.
Starlet possesses Amy's speed and freedom of movement, allowing for Starlet's attacks to climax both on the ground and in the air. Though shooting a machine gun from the air or firing a cannon from the ground are not acts becoming of an oracle, they're still effective in battle. Since there are no classes that allow a restrained mid-range attack quickly chained with a spin combo attack, in a 1:1 situation or a battle with many foes, regardless of the battle, a double-jump with a quick dash will be effective in confusing the enemy, definitively marking Starlet's fighting style. Because Starlet is Amy's top job, it is also infused with Amy's own special brand of performances. Her combos, range attacks, healing skills, specials and more can all be enjoyed from afar because of the exciting action and drama she brings!

It is necessary to be level forty (40) to be able participate in Fourth (4th) Job Promotion.

GP Mission (18,000 GP)

  • Clear Partusay's Sea 6 times in Champion Mode.

  • Slay Kamiki at Kamiki's Castle and collect 6 Starlet's Lesser Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay Basilisk at the Temple of Fire and collect 6 Starlet's Greater Orbs on any difficulty. 

  • Slay 250 monsters within the range of ± 2 above or below level monsters. 

  • Clear Sanctum of Destruction 4 times.

Cash Mission (11,800 cash)

  • Obtain 1 Gem.
Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Triple Counter The Starlet smashes a bouquet of flowers three times at the opponent in delight. (5x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 2 Basic Tears of the Goddess After being "dumped," the Starlet enters a state of depression with clouds hovering over her, damaging nearby opponents with rain and thunder from the clouds. After coming to her senses, she angrily kicks the boy who dumped her, also causing extra damage to her enemies. (10x Hit + Knockback)
LVL 3 Basic Lovely Amy The Starlet and her "boyfriend" are locked in a romantic dance, then Amy swings him into oblivion. Inflicting pain on the enemy and healing allies with a 10 second healing buff. (1x Hit + Knockup + 1x Hit + Knockdown)

Level/Type Name Effect
LVL 1 Basic Jack Knife The Starlet flies into the air on her bicycle with Pepe to reenact one of her best scenes before crashing down on her enemies. (4x Hit + Knockup + 2x Hit + knockdown)
LVL 2 Basic Bomber Girl In an action flick-like parody, there are three Starlets dressed as soldiers, firing their machine guns while ending with a grenade. (12x Hit + 3x Hit + Knockup)
LVL 3 Basic Pink Death Parade In a similar fashion to "Godzilla", the Starlet transforms herself into a giant pink dinosaur-like creature and destroys a city. She stomps on the ground with her giant feet, creating an earthquake and attacks by shooting a deadly laser from her mouth. (1x Hit + Knockup + 1x Hit + Knockup + 3x Hit + Knockdown)