Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

HoN Heroes Legion Intelligence

Blacksmith(Ogre Magi)

The smoke-blackened foundries of the Iron City have long been known to produce the endless stream of weapons and armor that make the Legion's war against the Hellbourne possible. But now, as manpower becomes harder to replace than supplies, the very Blacksmiths themselves have joined the battlefield, bringing strength earned through decades of toil and a mastery over fire itself.


Brother of the famed evil scientist that became Dr. Repulsor, the Bombardier uses his wild mind to aid the Legion. Just a few years ago, the two brothers made amazing technical wonders together. But the Hellbourne arose and corrupted Repulsor, leaving the Bombardier with a fierce sense of vengeance. The Bombardier, along with faithful assistant Twitch, uses his various inventions and dangerous toys to beat the Hellbourne back into hell so far that they will finally release their evil grip on his brother.

Bubbles(Faerie Dragon)

A powerful wizard once owned a pet turtle. Each day, the turtle watched and mimicked as the wizard practiced his spells. One day, the turtle fell into a magical pool and was transformed into more than a mere turtle. Now, centuries after his master died, Bubbles lives on, fighting the forces of evil.

Glacius(Crystal Maiden)

The berserker warriors of the land of Frostfield have long had a legend of Glacius, an ancient warrior who would break free of his frozen prison when the lands of Newerth needed him most. When he did not appear to combat the Beast Horde, many lost faith. But on the eve of the war with the Hellbourne, a man made more of cold than flesh emerged from the tundra, wrapped in mist and armored in ice. The stranger claimed the name Glacius, and his potent magics have made believers of those who doubted his identity.


A denizen of Newerth's uncharted depths, Myrmidon has arisen to check the Hellbourne advance before it reaches his beloved seas. Like the ocean whose form he can take on, Myrmidon is powerful, fickle, and at times even cruel. With his ability to transform into a monster of terrifying strength and power, some question where his loyalties truly lie, but his might is certainly a welcome aid to the Legion in the war against the daemons.


Nymphora has long been a protectress of Newerth's secret beauties, its secluded glades and crystal springs. One might think that the paragon of butterflies and skylarks would have little role in the brutal carnage that has engulfed the world, but one need only see the tiny fangs revealed by her smile to know that she holds secret dangers of her own.

Ophelia(Holy Knight)

Few are those who do not know of Ophelia, Queen of the Beast Horde and sister to Jeraziah. Though numerous are her talents, she is most revered for her innate ability to commune with all things natural. Both a warrior and a leader, Ophelia wields these powers over nature to serve the Legion by healing allies and recruiting the wild denizens of Newerth to their cause.

Pollywog Priest(Shadow Shaman)

For centuries, every great Frog of the marsh peoples has wielded both political and magical power as the chief priest of the Wild Cults. Called upon by his Beast brethren in this time of war, the Pollywog Priest has come forth to use those powers in defense of his people and Newerth itself.


For centuries, the Sacred Order has recognized the "Flame-Touched," those men and women filled with a burning, if more than slightly mad, devotion to Sol. Those Flame-Touched who serve in the Legion are more commonly called Pyromancers for their mastery over fire, and creatures strongly attuned to that element.


Spirits born of the elements, Tempests howl across the land raining fire and ice alike, indeed even calling great meteors from the heavens. Summoned of old by the Beast Horde, these ethereal beings now are summoners themselves, bringing elementals and even shadows of themselves onto the battlefield. Even their allies view these strange beings with awe bordering on fear.

The Chipper

The elusive chiprel race has spent countless years avoiding conflict, but the Hellbourne are not a threat easily ignored. The Chipper has taken action, piloting an advanced tactical combat and acorn collection machine. Armed with missiles, tar dispensers, and deployable saw blades, The Chipper is ready for war.

Thunderbringer(Lord of Olympia)

Unlike the wild lightning he commands, the Thunderbringer is marked by his calm patience and careful adherence to the ancient Beast protocols and etiquette. Though considered a bit of a fogey by others, he is an undeniable master of shamanic lore and a powerful wielder of mystic energies.


From one generation to the next, a reclusive order of hermits have guarded apocryphal writings said to come from the Prophet himself. Vindicator, still early in his lonely quest, is the last of these lonely sentinels, but he has left his exile behind in order to join the battle against the Hellbourne. Using the potent verses inscribed in the Great Book, he wields unique and powerful magic.

Witch Slayer(Demon Witch)

No city is more pious in its worship of Sol than Arasunia, and no man is more fervent among its zealous citizens that the Witch Slayer. Although he is viewed with uncertainty by the Beast shamans and human sorcerers in the Legion, his combat prowess and holy powers make him a mighty ally. Wielding a musket and a bladed icon of Sol, he not only can hold his own in battle, but also can sap his enemy's strength and turn any ground into sacred territory.

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