Jumat, 07 Mei 2010

HoN Heroes Hellbourne Agility

Arachna(Drow Ranger & Netherdrake)

It is said that for every fear and phobia that afflicts Man and Beast alike, there is a daemon waiting to be born. Arachna -- chittering, skulking, crooked and wicked -- spawns from the fear of spiders. Protected by a chitinous exoskeleton as strong as cold iron, she stalks, and traps, and slaughters her enemies.

Blood Hunter(Bloodseeker)

Although the Hunters were members of the Beast Horde in its war against the humans, they always preferred the darkness to the light, and were won over to the Hellbourne with the promise of human blood. They are led by the traitor Blood Hunter, a swift and deadly warrior who feeds on the blood of his enemies and heals with horrifying speed.

Chronos(Faceless Void)

The greatest inventors of the Human Legion dreamed of making an army of machine warriors to spare humans the bloody cost of war. Only one was ever created, for no one could ever find a way to quicken him. When the Hellbourne fed a stolen soul into its mechanical shell, they brought the Chronos to life and gained the benefit of this artificial monster's mastery over time itself.

Corrupted Disciple(Lightning Reveant)

Having traded Sol's sacred flame for the potent and unholy energy of the Hellbourne, the Corrupted Disciple is now little more than a battery of black magic. He unleashes this fell sorcery in many forms, some to his benefit but all to the agony of those around him.


In the darkest days of the war, when starvation stalked the land,it is said that some men turned to eating the flesh of the dead -- and then, the flesh of the living. Perhaps that is the origin of Dampeer, a monster who feeds on the lifeforce of his foes, spreading terror before his tattered wings, his pants the only remnants of his humanity.


A shadow cast my the evil in the hearts of Man and Beast alike. Fayde lurks in the dark places of Newerth. While her scythe-like claws are terrible enough, it is her abiltity to call forth new shadows of herself--or her foes--that is most awful of all.

Flint Beastwood(Dwarven Sniper)

For years, the Beasts told of a twisted man-thing that stalked them through the Rulian marshes, leaving a trial of corpses in his wake. The humans dubbed him "Flint Beastwood" -- playing on his flint-lock firearms and his residence in the Beasts' forests. Fast to draw, fast to kill, fast to laugh about the deed, Flint has now spread his carnage beyond the marshes to wherever he can find the Legion.

Forsaken Archer

Once a woodland huntress who captured the hearts of countless men, the Forsaken Archer was taken against her will and slain by a spurned suitor. As she lay dying she forged a terrible pact with the daemons who discovered her broken body. Now, rather than hearts it is souls she captures, wielding them as weapons. Atop the skeletal remains of a beast she once hunted, the forsaken archer rains terror upon any who stand in her path.

Sand Wraith(Spectre)

Legends long said that when the sirocco howls off the Great Waste, it is screaming of a Sand Wraith. In the past years, the legend has been borne out, as this ancient evil has glided through Newerth, leaving curses, confusion, and despair in his dusty wake.


The Serpent of the Seventh Pit, feeder on the sick and the weak, was summoned forth in the last days of the war between Man and Beast. A cunning conniver and whisperer of false promises, Slither delights in suffering and despair.

Soulstealer(Shadow Fiend)

The priests tell young men bound for the battlefield that if they fall, Elysian fields and peace awaits them. But this is not strictly true, not as long as the Soulstealer walks the battlefield. Gathering the spirits of those he kills in a bloody, shadowy sack, he augments his own power with their suffering. Those who see him quake in terror to know that death, for them, will be no release, but only a fiery captivity and oblivion.

The Dark Lady

Wielding twin, scythe-like blades, the she-reaper known as the Dark Lady has moved through the Legion's ranks like a shadow of death. For soldiers seeking to buck up their courage, she is a punch-line: "Careful you don't find the Dark Lady," they joke to their carousing friend. But even these jokes are accompanied by a shudder. Swift and cold and lethal as the frozen winds off the steps, black as the cloud-choked night, she is no laughing matter.

The Madman(Nerubian Weaver & Troll Warlord)

No one knows for certain the identity of this masked and demented murderer. Some say he was confined for eons in the deepest pit of Hell, a villain so black at heart that even the Hellbourne treated him as a pariah, yet so deadly that they were forced to call upon him in their war with the Legion. Others say he is a man, just a man, but driven mad by the endless carnage he has witnessed.

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